Powered By Epic ON. The Pursuit of Wellness is a podcast and video series hosted by Kabir Uppal that features experts and enthusiasts from the Fitness, Nutrition and Health space. It is the perfect companion on your wellness journey. 30 minute episodes every week packed with extremely valuable conversations on all aspects of fitness and wellness.Season 2 is sponsored by Tego, creators of premium activewear for everyday athletes. Check them out at http://www.tego.fit
Is running good, cross trainer good or rowing good for cardio, my answer is its the one that you can doArun Chahal is a fitness entrepreneur, movement training specialist and TRX Senior Instructor. Besides those, hes also a cofounder at Chefingo, a healthy food company based out of Gurgaon and a cofounder at MoveFit, a fitness education conference. I spoke in detail with Arun about the difference between short term and long term goals and how to set them. We also touch upon finding the best help on your pursuit of wellness.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more about Find us below:Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcast https://www.facebook.com/ThePursuitOfWellness1439605299501843/Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/ThePursuitOfWellness1439605299501843/ Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1841093859515470/This episode was sponsored by SproutBox, an awesome coworking space located where the episode was also recorded www.sproutbox.inwww.sproutbox.inYou can find Arun Chahal here:Twitterhttps://twitter.com/arunmovefit Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/arun.movefit/ MoveFithttps://www.facebook.com/fitness.movefit/ Chefingohttps://www.facebook.com/chefingo/Link to understand macros better: https://healthyeater.com/howtocalculateyourmacroshttps://healthyeater.com/howtocalculateyourmacros
Gautam Malhotra is a Fitness and Nutrition expert and entrepreneur. He has extensive experience in training and managing health clubs, and after completing his MBA from ISB, he has embarked on a journey to start his own nutrition focussed venture.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more about Find us below:Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcast Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/ThePursuitOfWellness1439605299501843/ Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1841093859515470/This episode was sponsored by SproutBox, an awesome coworking space located where the episode was also recorded www.sproutbox.inwww.sproutbox.inYou can find Gautam Malhotra here:Twitterhttps://twitter.com/gautammalhotra2langen Emailgautammalhotra.2gmail.com Instagramhttp://instagram.com/gmatfitnessSprout Nutrition : Websitehttps://www.sproutnutrition.in/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/sproutnutrition.in/ Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/sproutnutrition.in/Lean Teen Routine https://www.facebook.com/groups/LeanTeenRoutine/https://www.facebook.com/groups/LeanTeenRoutine/
Nakul is the founder and Principal Motivator at All In Running, an engagement platform for runners and adventure sports enthusiasts. Through this platform he coaches and motivates amateur and advanced level runners. In the episode we chat with Nakul about how to get started as a runner, the community and wellness ecosystem in India and how he gets the best out of the people he trainsLeave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more about Find us below:Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcast Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/ThePursuitOfWellness1439605299501843/ Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1841093859515470/This episode was sponsored by www.sproutbox.inwww.sproutbox.inwww.sproutbox.inSproutBoxwww.sproutbox.in , an awesome coworking space located in Okhla, New Delhi where this episode was also recordedFind out more about All in Running below:Emailinfo.allinrunninggmail.com Facebook Nakul Buttahttps://www.facebook.com/NakulButtaOfficial/ Facebook All In Runninghttps://www.facebook.com/runallin Instagram All In Runninghttp://instagram.com/allinrunning
Theres not much in the wellness space that Nidhi doesnt do. As the Director of NidSun Wellness, she helps her clients with nonsurgical body shaping, online workout and diet plans. She’s a Food Scientist, with a Food and Chemical engineering degree and a specialization in Nutrition and sports specific nutrition. A certified Fitness trainer with a specialization in training for special needs, she’s a Puma Athlete and trainer. Besides running their body shaping clinics in Delhi, she is also a writer with regular columns and blogs on food, fitness, and nutrition in many publications like Times of India, Asian Age, Urban Melange and many online portals and TV shows.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more about Find us below:Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcast Facebook Pagehttps://www.facebook.com/ThePursuitOfWellness1439605299501843/ Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/1841093859515470/This episode was sponsored by Sproutboxwww.sproutbox.in, an awesome coworking space located where the episode was also recorded www.sproutbox.inwww.sproutbox.inYou can find Nidhi Mohan Kamal and NidSun belowInstagramhttp://instagram.com/nidhimohankamal Nidsunhttp://nidsun.org/ Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/nidhimohankamal.page/ Youtubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM5Ckd9OgzqQyNXgE9lnFzw Twitterhttps://twitter.com/nidhimohankam
Jatin is the founder of Bootcamp Yellowhttp://www.bootcampyellow.com/index.php which is an outdoor workout experience that redefines fitness through structured training and sustainable nutrition. We chat about the importance of building community health, finding the right trainer and Jatins experience in supporting Lotus Petal Foundationhttps://www.lotuspetalfoundation.org/index.php, an organisation close to his heart dedicated to helping kids in urban slums in India.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below:Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcast
Zoe Modgill is a cofounder and instructor at Studio 60, a Delhi based fitness studio which has a dedicated fan following for its group classes and fun vibe.Shes a certified trainer and nutritionist and has also specialized in pre and post natal fitness and nutrition. We chat about her journey into fitness, Studio 60 and the best way to jump in to making wellness an important part of daily life.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below: Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can find Zoe and Studio 60 belowInstagramhttps://www.instagram.com/zoemodgill/hlen Websitehttps://l.instagram.com/uhttp3A2F2Fwww.zoemodgill.in2FeATNs8VT17JNWelJtIeMgpeuufIFT4DdnofllpCB5XMif0Q75vPbnJDHWvUaz0k7s1hbl Studio 60https://www.studio60.in/
Tahira is a Delhi based exmodel and nutritionist. She is using her experience in the glamor world along with her recently acquired knowledge to help her clients lead healthier lives. Her focus remains on staying clear of fad diets and using the inseason healthy ingredients available in the Indian Market. We chat about her journey, first steps for listeners who want to start eating healthy, and how to avoid getting trapped in a fad following scenario.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below: Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can find more about Tahira below:Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tahirakochar/ Email tahirakochhargmail.com
Namrata is a fashion designer based in Delhi. She is also an avid runner and runs marathons despite her busy schedule. We chat with Namrata about how she got into running and the training that comes with it, how she balances it with family and work, and how the fitness and fashion worlds connect.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below: Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can find more about Namrata below:Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/namratajoshipura/
Prateek is the CEO of GrandSlam Fitness, a company with a wide range of equipment for commercial and home gyms. Hes also the cofounder of FollowYourSport, a platform that brings you the latest news and analysis of your favourite sports. It was great to get perspective of many things that pertain to the business of fitness and we hope you learnt a lot as well.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below:Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can find more about Prateek below:Email prateekgrandslamfitness.co.in Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/followyoursport/
Gaurav is a squash player and coach that has played at the highest level. He is very actively working to change the mindset of parents, government officials and academies to bring a holistic training regimen to the space. Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below:Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can find more Gaurav herenandrajog.ggmail.com Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/nandrajog/ Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/gaurav.nandrajog.7
Sahil Marwaha is a cofounder at a Delhi based communications company called Beam and Words and is a massive fitness enthusiast who has had an amazing journey. We chat with him about his transformations and all the things hes done to maintain a fit and healthy life.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below:Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can find out more about Sahil herehttps://www.instagram.com/sahilmarwaha/
Make sure you join our facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ so we can be a part of your wellness journey and you can be a part of oursJaivir Hans is a certified International Advanced Fitness Instructor, which he pursued and acquired from London. He worked as a fulltime Personal Trainer with LA Fitness in London, training people from across the globe. He is an excellent example of a fitness enthusiast who has had an amazing journey so far and manages that along with his full time role with his family business. We chat about all the changes he’s made to achieve what he has, along with some great points and insights on how you can get fit yourself as well.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below:Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can check out Jaivir on instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/jaivirh or reach out to him with any questions herejaivir.hansgmail.com
Make sure you join our facebook grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ so we can be a part of your wellness journey and you can be a part of oursHolistic Fitness Guru Vesna Peričević Jacob, who was once given the moniker, The Princess of Pilates, is one of the most forward thinking minds in fitness wellness and healing in India. She is a former national level Basketball player from Bosnia who turned to fitness and wellness as a profession following a career ending injury.She is a Physiotherapist, Author, accomplished Pilates teacher and Functional Applied Science Specialist. Her studio, Vesna’s Alta Celo offers a unique blend of restorative and rehabilitative movement work with elements of fun functional fitness while being strongly rooted in a holistic approach to health, fitness and wellness.She also writes extensively on fitness for leading newspapers and magazines, appears on many national television channels and has authored two successful books, “Work It Out Without a Workouthttps://www.amazon.in/WorkWithoutWorkoutVesnaJacobebook/dp/B00B5QV3FO” and “Fit to Fighthttps://www.amazon.in/FitFightCompleteManualSelfdefenseebook/dp/B00HNOP3YO/refsr11sdigitaltextieUTF8qid1538504486sr11”.She shares her incredible journey leaving her country during a war, being a professional athlete whose dream was crushed with an injury, being a refugee, a US army trainer, discovering Pilates, moving to India and achieving success. Her inspiring story is testament to her philosophy of taking every step the way it comes, paying special attention to the inner voice we all have and letting our spiritual self spread it wings.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below:Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can check out Vesna on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/vesnasaltacelo/hlen, read more about her herehttps://www.thehindu.com/features/metroplus/makingadifference/article7039748.ece and check out her studio Vesna’s Alta Celo herehttps://www.facebook.com/vesnasaltacelo/
Rahul Kaul is the founder at BoxFithttp://boxfit.in/, a group workout studio with a focus on boxing located in New Delhi. We chat with Rahul about how he got into boxing, the various complexities of running a fitness business in India and how he built a successful and engaging brand in 2 years. In this episode youll hear from him about what it means to be a great trainer, what you can get out of boxing and how to create an inclusive, engaging and motivating environment for people to get fitLeave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below:Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can find out more about Rahul and Boxfit below:Rahul Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/rahulkaulboxfit Boxfit Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/boxfit.in Boxfit Websitehttp://boxfit.in/
Cousin duo Vrinda and Yadu Bhageria are giving up their previous pursuits to open a new bouldering studio in New Delhi. We chat with the two about their passion for the activity, how it helps you stay fit and what you can expect from the sport in the coming years. Were super excited about this one as its a new space in the wellness offerings in Delhi. Definitely check it outLeave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more about.Find us below:Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitterhttps://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can find out more about Vrinda, Yadu and Boulderbox below:https://www.instagram.com/theboulderbox/Boulderbox Instagram https://www.instagram.com/theboulderbox/ Boulderbox Websitehttps://www.boulderbox.in/
We collated all the best bits from Season 1 of The Pursuit of Wellness. Guest and clip selection:Arun Chahal Finding the best help or trainer for achieving your fitness goalsJaivir Hans Weight loss vs Fat loss and understanding the differenceVrinda and Yadur Bagheria What is Bouldering and how does it helpZoe Modgill Importance of Pre and Post Natal TrainingNakul Butta What is the role of diet in runningRahul Kaul Boxfits social media strategyThis episode is brought to you by TEGO. TEGO is premium gear for the modern everyday athlete. They filter out the hype to create products that are engineered with integrity to help you win your sweaty battles and we absolutely love their gearYou can find out more here http://www.tego.fit/tpowCheck out all the episodes covered in the episode here https://www.munchermedia.com/thepursuitofwellnessAny questions Reach out at infomunchermedia.comFollow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1V
The Pursuit of Wellness is a podcast and video series hosted by Kabir Uppal that features experts and enthusiasts from the Fitness, Nutrition and Health space. It is the perfect companion on your wellness journey. 30 minute episodes every week packed with extremely valuable conversations on all aspects of fitness and wellness.Guest Tanya Agarwal is a blogger who runs http://www.wellthyfit.com. Besides being a working mom, she is a running and yoga enthusiast who spreads her passion and knowledge about fitness through her platform. As she says on www.wellthyfit.com, “You aren’t wealthy enough till you have Empowered Yourself with strength in body and passion in mind, no matter what level of fitness you are at”Kabir and Tanya discuss what she thinks are the best ways to disseminate fitness information online, what her readers’ favorite pieces of content usually are, her use of analytics, ideal frequency for content, the right focus on quality, how she works with other content creators, and what content she consumes herself along with her favorite sources of fitness information, lifestyle advice and her favorite blogs.Here is Tanyas list of her goto sources of wellness and lifestyle info 1 Seth Godin’s blog and books2 www.dooce.com3 https://cupofjo.com/4 https://www.mindbodygreen.com/5 https://greatist.com/6 https://www.loveinindia.co.in/7 Book: How Bad Do You Want It by Matt FitzgeraldFollow Tanya Agarwal and Wellthyfit on instagram https://www.instagram.com/wellthyfittanyaagarwal/hlenFollow Wellthyfit on their website https://www.wellthyfit.comFollow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1VCheck out The Pursuit of Wellness on Apple Podcasts ► https://apple.co/2m0k4XN, or anywhere else you like to listen to podcasts. You can also check out our website ► http://bit.ly/2m0u5nUCreditsHost: Kabir UppalProduction: Muncher MediaAudio Engineering: Virat TiwariPost Production: Virat TiwariMarketing and Video Assets Abhishek Dobhal
The Pursuit of Wellness is a podcast and video series hosted by Kabir Uppal that features experts and enthusiasts from the Fitness, Nutrition and Health space. It is the perfect companion on your wellness journey. 30 minute episodes every week packed with extremely valuable conversations on all aspects of fitness and wellness.Fitness Nutrition Keto Yoga Running Training Sports Injuries Pilates Boxing Content Outdoor Diet Workout Movement CoachingGuest Avni Kaul is a Nutritionist and Wellness Coach and the Founder of Nutriactivania A Nutrition clinic that endeavours to bring the focus back to preventive healthcare https://nutriactivania.com/. She is one of the most renowned nutritionist in Delhi and specialises in Diabetes care. Kabir and Avni discuss the effects of Alcohol on one’s fitness goals and how to truly consume Alcohol in moderation. They talk about different types of Alcohol and their impact on body types, genders and specific fitness goals including how 4 drinks a week can add upto 5kg of weight each year. They also deep dive into what lifestyle changes one must follow as a Diabetic. Here’s a list of Avni’s go to sources of information Book https://www.robinsharma.com/book/the5amclubBook Our Kids Eat Everything https://www.amazon.in/OurEatsEverythingNeelanjanaSingh/dp/9350099284App Ntuitive : https://play.google.com/store/apps/detailsidin.ntuitive.calculatorhlenFollow Avni Kaul on instagram https://www.instagram.com/avnikaul/hlenFollow Nutri Activania on their website https://nutriactivania.comOr on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nutriactivania/hlenFollow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1VYou can also check out the website ► http://bit.ly/2m0u5nUCreditsHost: Kabir UppalProduction: Muncher MediaAudio Engineering: Virat TiwariPost Production: Virat TiwariMarketing and Video Assets Abhishek Dobhal
The Pursuit of Wellness is a podcast and video series hosted by Kabir Uppal that features experts and enthusiasts from the Fitness, Nutrition and Health space. It is the perfect companion on your wellness journey. 30 minute episodes every week packed with extremely valuable conversations on all aspects of fitness and wellness.Fitness Nutrition Keto Yoga Running Training Sports Injuries Pilates Boxing Content Outdoor Diet Workout Movement CoachingGuest Neha Bedi is a fitness enthusiast who is certified in Krav Maga, an exmedia professional and the daughter of Indian Cricketing legend Bishan Singh Bedi. She has done extensive research into the Keto diet and intermittent fasting and what the right way to go about it is. Kabir and Neha talk about her amazing transformation through exercise, nutrition and dedication and what it takes to successfully lose weight through Keto.Here’s a list of Neha’s go to sources of information keto on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/keto/Book: The Bulletproof Diet https://www.bulletproof.com/diet/bulletproofdiet/howtostartthebulletproofdiet/Follow Neha Bedi on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/nehabedi2/Follow Neha Bedi on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/neha.bediFollow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1V
Kabir is joined by guest Rajneesh Raveendran who is an exboxer who runs a studio in New Delhi. They talk about getting fit with boxing, overcoming injuries and how to be the best version of yourself.Follow Rajneesh on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/boxeopath/Follow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1V
Guest Sonakshi Dhamija is an Ashtanga Yoga teacher based out of Delhi. Kabir and Sonakshi talk about the skills required to become a Yoga teacher and how her personal journey has helped her become a better teacher.This episode is brought to you by TEGO. TEGO is premium gear for the modern everyday athlete. They filter out the hype to create products that are engineered with integrity to help you win your sweaty battles and we absolutely love their gearYou can find out more here www.tego.fit/tpowSonakshis go to sources of information 1. Yoga Land Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yogalandpodcast/id11055651522. Book : A Light on Yoga https://www.amazon.in/LightYogaClassicForemostAuthority/dp/81722350113. https://www.youtube.com/watchvlIW5jBrrsS0Follow Sonakshi on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sonakshidhamija/hlenFollow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1V
Kabir is joined by guest Subhojit Bhattacharjee for this episode where they deep dive into what it takes to become a Fitness Trainer, why Subhojit decided to become a Fitness Trainer and what impact it has had on his life.This episode is brought to you by TEGO. TEGO is premium gear for the modern everyday athlete. They filter out the hype to create products that are engineered with integrity to help you win your sweaty battles and we absolutely love their gearYou can find out more here http://www.tego.fit/tpowFollow Subhojit on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/subho.smash/Follow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/Click below to jump to a topic of your interest Guest Introduction 2:40 First time at the gym6:11 Deciding to become a trainer11:37 Fitness Trading Academies16:31 People going from being enthusiasts to being professional trainers19:30 What it takes to be a trainer22:25 Skills requisite for being a trainer26:22 Subho’s journey 29:25 Guest Recommendations31:00 Subho’s goto sources of information 33:00 Closing ThoughtsHere’s a list of Subho’s go to sources of information AthleanX https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe0TLA0EsQbEMjuHXevj2AHany Rambod https://www.instagram.com/hanyrambod/hlenDwayne Johnson Insta https://www.instagram.com/therock/hlenArticles on https://www.bodybuilding.com/enIN/indexAnd Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1V
Kabir is joined by guest Sahil Rajvansh for this episode where they deep dive into what it takes to sustain a healthy lifestyle and be fit.This episode is brought to you by TEGO. TEGO is premium gear for the modern everyday athlete. They filter out the hype to create products that are engineered with integrity to help you win your sweaty battles and we absolutely love their gearYou can find out more here http://www.tego.fit/tpowFollow Sahil on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rajvansh101/Follow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1V
Host Kabir Uppal is joined by MMA fighter and Coach at Khriemelie Metha. Khriemelie is a coach at The Combat Academy Dimapur, Nagaland and also a member of X1 India. They talk about the state of MMA in India and how MMA has impacted Khriemelies personal life.This episode is brought to you by TEGO. TEGO is premium gear for the modern everyday athlete. They filter out the hype to create products that are engineered with integrity to help you win your sweaty battles and we absolutely love their gearYou can find out more here http://www.tego.fit/tpowFollow Khriemelie on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/khriemelie/hlenCombat Academy Nagaland https://www.facebook.com/tcanagaland/eidARA8RLoTGBN3MRO7UkyOZ55paxMSvudcSyHkBqTtFkayztkhyMcvk3MWTCtjrSGxcjNFudZzPXB2YhDtimelinecontextitemtypeintrocardworktimelinecontextitemsource538750132freftagFollow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1V
Is running good, cross trainer good or rowing good for cardio, my answer is its the one that you can doArun Chahal is a fitness entrepreneur, movement training specialist and TRX Senior Instructor. Besides those, hes also a cofounder at Chefingo, a healthy food company based out of Gurgaon and a cofounder at MoveFit, a fitness education conference. I spoke in detail with Arun about the difference between short term and long term goals and how to set them. We also touch upon finding the best help on your pursuit of wellness.You can find Arun Chahal here:Twitter https://twitter.com/arunmovefit Instagram https://www.instagram.com/arun.movefit/ MoveFit https://www.facebook.com/fitness.movefit/ Chefingo https://www.facebook.com/chefingo/Link to understand macros better: https://healthyeater.com/howtocalculateyourmacrosFollow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1V https://healthyeater.com/howtocalculateyourmacros
Our guest Rahul Kaul is the founder at BoxFit, a group workout studio with a focus on boxing located in New Delhi. We chat with Rahul about how he got into boxing, the various complexities of running a fitness business in India and how he built a successful and engaging brand in 2 years. In this episode youll hear from him about what it means to be a great trainer, what you can get out of boxing and how to create an inclusive, engaging and motivating environment for people to get fitYou can follow Rahul and Boxfit below Rahul Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rahulkaulbo... https://www.youtube.com/redirectqhttps3A2F2Fwww.instagram.com2Frahulkaulboxfit2FredirtokenUpk1Lyb7av6pM45RCWWEeATcA0F8MTU3NDQxODk4OUAxNTc0MzMyNTg5v0tc8rVrNHMoeventvideodescriptionBoxfit Instagram https://www.instagram.com/boxfit.in/ https://www.youtube.com/redirectqhttps3A2F2Fwww.instagram.com2Fboxfit.in2FredirtokenUpk1Lyb7av6pM45RCWWEeATcA0F8MTU3NDQxODk4OUAxNTc0MzMyNTg5v0tc8rVrNHMoeventvideodescriptionFollow us on ► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF https://www.youtube.com/redirectqhttp3A2F2Fbit.ly2F2khkGYFredirtokenUpk1Lyb7av6pM45RCWWEeATcA0F8MTU3NDQxODk4OUAxNTc0MzMyNTg5v0tc8rVrNHMoeventvideodescription► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS https://www.youtube.com/redirectqhttp3A2F2Fbit.ly2F2lFGPzSredirtokenUpk1Lyb7av6pM45RCWWEeATcA0F8MTU3NDQxODk4OUAxNTc0MzMyNTg5v0tc8rVrNHMoeventvideodescription► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1V https://www.youtube.com/redirectqhttp3A2F2Fbit.ly2F2m2wm1VredirtokenUpk1Lyb7av6pM45RCWWEeATcA0F8MTU3NDQxODk4OUAxNTc0MzMyNTg5v0tc8rVrNHMoeventvideodescription
Guest Nakul Butta is the founder and Principal Motivator at All In Running, an engagement platform for runners and adventure sports enthusiasts. Through this platform he coaches and motivates amateur and advanced level runners. In the episode we chat with Nakul about how to get started as a runner, the community and wellness ecosystem in India and how he gets the best out of the people he trainsAll In Running Instagram http://instagram.com/allinrunning https://www.youtube.com/redirectvSEt062XK8RAeventvideodescriptionqhttp3A2F2Finstagram.com2Fallinrunningredirtoken1WlehBfklmbbWMccE07NgDmkvzt8MTU3NTAyODg2MUAxNTc0OTQyNDYxNakul Butta Facebook https://www.facebook.com/NakulButtaOf... https://www.youtube.com/redirectvSEt062XK8RAeventvideodescriptionqhttps3A2F2Fwww.facebook.com2FNakulButtaOfficial2Fredirtoken1WlehBfklmbbWMccE07NgDmkvzt8MTU3NTAyODg2MUAxNTc0OTQyNDYxFollow us on ► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF https://www.youtube.com/redirectvSEt062XK8RAeventvideodescriptionqhttp3A2F2Fbit.ly2F2khkGYFredirtoken1WlehBfklmbbWMccE07NgDmkvzt8MTU3NTAyODg2MUAxNTc0OTQyNDYx► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS https://www.youtube.com/redirectvSEt062XK8RAeventvideodescriptionqhttp3A2F2Fbit.ly2F2lFGPzSredirtoken1WlehBfklmbbWMccE07NgDmkvzt8MTU3NTAyODg2MUAxNTc0OTQyNDYx► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1V https://www.youtube.com/redirectvSEt062XK8RAeventvideodescriptionqhttp3A2F2Fbit.ly2F2m2wm1Vredirtoken1WlehBfklmbbWMccE07NgDmkvzt8MTU3NTAyODg2MUAxNTc0OTQyNDYxKabir Uppal Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/ https://www.youtube.com/redirectvSEt062XK8RAeventvideodescriptionqhttps3A2F2Fwww.instagram.com2Fkabiruppal2Fredirtoken1WlehBfklmbbWMccE07NgDmkvzt8MTU3NTAyODg2MUAxNTc0OTQyNDYx
Jaivir Hans is a certified International Advanced Fitness Instructor, which he pursued and acquired from London. He worked as a fulltime Personal Trainer with LA Fitness in London, training people from across the globe. He is an excellent example of a fitness enthusiast who has had an amazing journey so far and manages that along with his full time role with his family business. We chat about all the changes he’s made to achieve what he has, along with some great points and insights on how you can get fit yourself as well.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutYou can check out Jaivir on instagram https://www.instagram.com/jaivirh or reach out to him with any questions here mailto:jaivir.hansgmail.comFollow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1VYou can also check out the website ► http://bit.ly/2m0u5nUCreditsHost: Kabir UppalProduction: Muncher MediaAudio Engineering: Virat TiwariPost Production: Virat TiwariMarketing and Video Assets Abhishek Dobhal
Zoe Modgill is a cofounder and instructor at Studio 60, a Delhi based fitness studio which has a dedicated fan following for its group classes and fun vibe.Shes a certified trainer and nutritionist and has also specialized in pre and post natal fitness and nutrition. We chat about her journey into fitness, Studio 60 and the best way to jump in to making wellness an important part of daily life.Leave some comments of what you liked about the episode and what youd like to hear more aboutFind us below: Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/Pursuitofwellnesspod/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tpowpodcast/ Twitter https://twitter.com/TPOWpodcastYou can find Zoe and Studio 60 belowInstagram https://www.instagram.com/zoemodgill/hlen Website https://l.instagram.com/uhttp3A2F2Fwww.zoemodgill.in2FeATNs8VT17JNWelJtIeMgpeuufIFT4DdnofllpCB5XMif0Q75vPbnJDHWvUaz0k7s1hbl Studio 60 https://www.studio60.in/
This episode is brought to you by TEGO. TEGO is premium gear for the modern everyday athlete. They filter out the hype to create products that are engineered with integrity to help you win your sweaty battles and we absolutely love their gearYou can find out more here http://www.tego.fit/tpowCheck out all the episodes covered in the episode here https://www.munchermedia.com/thepursuitofwellnessAny questions Reach out at infomunchermedia.comFollow host Kabir Uppal https://www.instagram.com/kabiruppal/And Do Follow us on ► YouTube : http://bit.ly/2lu4oMI► Instagram : http://bit.ly/2khkGYF► Twitter : http://bit.ly/2lFGPzS► Facebook : http://bit.ly/2m2wm1VYou can also check out the website ► http://bit.ly/2m0u5nUCreditsHost: Kabir UppalProduction: Muncher MediaAudio Engineering: Virat TiwariPost Production: Virat TiwariMarketing and Video Assets Abhishek Dobhal
Health & Fitness
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