U/A 7+ • History • Documentary • Infotainment • 2021
Epicpedia Is a show about knowing the unknown facts, In this show, amazing facts about India will be presented in 12 webisodes of 5 to 7 minutes each. The show will cover various subjects under History, Science Technology, Art Craft, Wildlife, etc. In every episode, you will discover something new, exciting, intriguing, and entertaining about India that you dont know. Like who measured Mount Everest, Did you know Cosmetic Surgery was invented in India thousands of years ago, did you know that the board game Ludo was played in India thousands of Years ago, these and many more facts will be revealed in this show Epicpedia. To sum it up, Epicpedia will present to the audience some hidden jewels of the truth behind India. Facts that are unknown to the best of Indians, they are unique sometimes stranger than fiction. Epicpedia will satiate your thirst for mysteries, knowledge unknown facts
Director: Satyaprakash Upadhyay
Indian Mathematician Radhanath is the first person to measure Mount Everest, Height of Mount Everest was 29002ft which was declared as the highest mountain peak in the world, Radhanath used simple geometrical calculations and a theodolite to measure the mountian Peak XV which was higher than Kanchenjunga.
Did you know that cosmetic surgery was performed for the first time in the world in India, about 2600 years ago The inventor of surgeries was Indian physician Sage Sushruta, born in around 600 BCE, known as the Father of Surgery. Nowadays, each surgery has a specialised surgeon, but the most amazing thing is that Sushruta could perform all the 300 surgeries that he invented. How did he do that What inspired him How did he invent surgical methods These questions and more will be answered for you in todays episode of Epicpedia.
The Indian National Anthem was created and sung 36 years before India’s Independence in front of the world as Bharoto Bhagya Bidhata in Bengali. And on 11th September, 1942 Subhash Chandra Bose introduced the song Jana Gana Mana in Germany that was destined to become Indias National Anthem. What was the need of a national anthem How was Jana Gana Mana selected as a National Anthem This and many facts
Did you know: A tigers stripes are as unique as human fingerprints The Royal Bengal Tiger of India is the only breed of tiger that lives in mangrove forests. Why are they called the Royal Bengal Tiger Why are these formidable beasts struggling to survive today We answer these and more questions in todays episode of Epicpedia.
Did you know: Board games have been first played in the Indian subcontinent for over 3000 years Did you know that game we played as kids was once played by Kings and Gods The games we know as Ludo and Snakes Ladders originated in Ancient India Chaupar has been referenced in Mahabharata as well as the caves of Ellora Snakes Ladders was originally a spiritual game designed to teach morality and Karma. We will know these and many more interesting facts in todays episode of Epicpedia.
Did you know that the first Indian passenger train ran a distance of 34 km more than 150 years ago in Bombay The Indian Railway is one of the world’s largest employers of civilians in the world. And Jeevan Rekha Express is the worlds first hospital train. Get to know more about the Indian Railway in today’s video of Epicpedia.
Did you know: The Asiatic Lion can today only be seen in India The Asiatic lion population has recovered from the brink of extinction to several hundred individuals.The Nawab of Junagadh had an important role to play in saving them In the course of evolution, Asian Lions separated from their African ancestors around 186,000–128,000 years ago. Asiatic Lion is distinct from African Lions they are only found in India and surviving in the Gir Forests of Gujarat We will know these and many more interesting facts in todays episode of Epicpedia.
Originally composed in Sanskrit, the Panchatantra is one of the oldest collections of fables in the world. Devised for the purposes of teaching three dullwitted sons of a king, it strives to convey the principles of kingship and some valuable life lessons. The work consists of Five parts Hence the name Panchatantra : Pancha, Meaning Five Tantra, Meaning Part. A distinguishing feature is Story within storys structure. In this Episode we learn about the first 2 parts of Panchatantra. Mitrabheda and Mitra Labha.
Originally composed in Sanskrit, the Panchatantra is one of the oldest collections of fables in the world. Devised for the purposes of teaching three dullwitted sons of a king, it strives to convey the principles of kingship and some valuable life lessons. The work consists of Five parts Hence the name Panchatantra : Pancha, Meaning Five Tantra, Meaning Part. A distinguishing feature is Story within storys structure. In this Episode we learn about the next 3 parts of Panchatantra. Kakolukiyam, Labdhapranasam and Apariksitakarakam.
Didi you know : Indian Metallurgy started approximately in 4500 BCE. And Steel Production in India started as early as 500 BCE. and almost 800 years ago in India, a new metal was invented, Zinc. The science of modern metallurgy was established from ancient Indian metallurgical techniques. We will know these and many more interesting facts in todays episode of Epicpedia.
Did you know: Our modern world of wireless communication can exist only because of the scientific contributions of 19th century Indian Scientist, JC Bose. And that the latest 5G mobile technology is based on theories JC Bose discovered. JC Bose was also the first to theorize that plants are capable of communication. We will know these and many more interesting facts in today’s episode of Epicpedia.
Did you know: ISRO was created thanks to the efforts of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai and today runs the world’s largest constellation of satellites. The story of ISRO’s origin begins inside a small church in a fishing village in Kerela. And that the first rocket ISRO launched was transported on a bicycle. We will know these and many more interesting facts in today’s episode of Epicpedia.
CV Raman was a famous Indian Physicist. He discovered a light scattering phenomenon which later came to be known as the Raman effect and for this study he received the 1930 Nobel Prize in Physics for it. With this win Raman became the first Asian to receive a Nobel Prize in any branch of science.
Rukhma Bai was an Indian physician and feminist. She is best known for being one of the first practicing women doctors in colonial India as well as being involved in a landmak legal case involving her marriage as a child bride between 1884 and 1888. The case raised significant public debate across several topics, which most prominently included law vs. tradition, social reform vs. conservatism and feminism in both Britishruled India and England. This ultimately contributed to the Age of Consent Act, 1891.
Rukhma Bai was an Indian physician and feminist. She is best known for being one of the first practicing women doctors in colonial India as well as being involved in a landmak legal case involving her marriage as a child bride between 1884 and 1888. The case raised significant public debate across several topics, which most prominently included law vs. tradition, social reform vs. conservatism and feminism in both Britishruled India and England. This ultimately contributed to the Age of Consent Act, 1891.
Ashoka the Great 300 BCE erected the first known veterinary hospitals of the world. He arranged the cultivation of herbal medicines for men and animals in his empire and adjoining knigdos. In a famous text Arthashastra, composed by Kautilya, the guide of Chandragupt Maurya, a lot of information is available about different animals, grazing lands, rules of meat science, and veteinary jurisprudence. This knowledge flourished during the great Hindu kings of the Gupta period upto 800 CE before Islamic followers invaded India.
Indian constitution is the lengthiest in the world. India became a Republic on 26th of January, 1950 when our Government officially adopted the Constitution. It was hand written by Bihari Narayan Rayzada and its various parts were taken from the English, Japanese, French, German, and the American constitutions.
India had a spice market in 8th century BCE. The spices produced in India were so famous that travellers around the world attempted to make a trip to India. Lands were annexed and wars fought for these precious herbs. Pepper, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, and turmeric were the most prominent spices.
GD Naidu was born during preindependence era on 23rd March, 1893. He is referred to as the Edison of India. At the age of 16 he left home and did odd jobs to support himself. Soon, he bought a bike and dismantled the newly bought vehicle to know about its parts.
The products made from natural fibres, such as jute, cotton, and coir, all have their origin in India. The country pioneered jute and cotton cultivation. The inhabitants of Indus Valley Civilization grew cotton during the 5th4th millennium BCE and converted cotton into threads, which were later used in fabrics. Also, since ancient times, India have been growing and exporting raw jute to the West.
Unlike modern treatise on aeronautics that begin by discussing the general principles of flight before detailing concepts of aircraft design, the Vaimanika Shastra starts with a quantitative description, as though a particular aircraft is being described. The four planes called Shakuna, sundara, ukma, and Tipura are described in greater detail.
The early Hindu astrologers are said to have used the magnet, in fixing the North and East, in laying foundations, and other religious ceremonies. The Hindu compass was an iron fish that floated in a vessel of oil and poined to the North. Yukti Kalpa Taru, a famous Sanskrit treatise on ship building, was written by Bhoja Narapati and completed with maps ad navigation system.
Kohinoor is the most treasured diamond in the world. Its origin is dated back to 1300 BCE from Golconda mines in under the Kakatiya dynasty. There has never been any attempt to sell or purchase Kohinoor. It has always been won, taken away, or given as a gift in compulsion. Kohinoor is a persian word which means mountain of light.
It was widely believed that the moon was dry, but data from Indias Chandrayaan 1 mission allegedly found evidence of water there. Scientist hope that that astronauts could one day not only drink but extract oxygen from it and use the hydrogen as fuel. Launched in 2008, ISROs Chandrayaan1 remained operational until August, 2009. This mission significantly enhanced Indias position in space research. The first Chandrayaan mission was instrumental in the discovery of water on the moon.
22 August 2021
History, Documentary, Infotainment
Satyaprakash Upadhyay
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