This week on Eco India, we explore a brick with the potential to alleviate air pollution in the Indian capital, plus we unlock traditional building secrets passed down for generations in Tamil Nadu.
Plastic waste in the Himalayas or on the streets of Chennai a problem for both the environment and our health. Volunteers are taking action. Companies are promising to reduce their plastic use. Is it only greenwashing
This week’s Eco India shows how innovative ideas and empowered communities can help preserve cultural heritage, promote sustainable progress, and protect the environment.
Reducing CO2 emissions is crucial in the fight against climate change. We’re highlighting projects doing exactly that with biogas made from agricultural waste. Well also check out hydropower’s potential and a smogfighting solution.
Around the world, livelihoods in both rural and urban communities are being impacted by the effects of climate change, pollution, or the availability of nutritious food. Eco India explores some of the areas affected and what people are doing to cope.
In this episode of Eco India we look at how agriculture can be made more sustainable – with the help of agroforestry, natural farming or alternative water sources. Can we find a better way than conventional agriculture with its pesticideridden produce from highyield seeds
The UN says electricity supply from clean energy sources must double by 2030 to limit global temperature increase and reign in climate change. Eco India explores projects that are making strides in the right direction.
Water is an important resource and water availability will be one of the crucial issues of the future. While some regions are struggling with drought, elsewhere there is wastage from poor water management. This weeks Eco India is looking at the sustainable use of water.
From the clothes we wear to the food we eat and even the plate we use, almost everything we do impacts the environment. This weeks Eco India looks at how we can choose to live more sustainably.
Often environmental issues go unnoticed until they pop up on our social media feeds, alerting us to problems we may never otherwise have noticed. Raising awareness about local problems is a key step toward finding solutions that can benefit us all.
Coexisting with various animal species has helped us humans not only survive but thrive in our natural environment. This episode of Eco India is all about those who are trying to save biodiversity on this planet.
31 July 2023
Nature, Infotainment
Sannuta Raghu
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