Powered By EPIC ON. UTVfounder and pioneer of the media industry, Ronnie Screwvala is one of India’s most successful firstgeneration entrepreneurs. An avid philanthropist, he has penned ‘Dream with Your Eyes Open: An Entrepreneurial Journey’ as one of the most inspiring entrepreneurial selfhelp books. Ronnie provides a relentless pursuit of entrepreneurial glory and describes how others can learn from the same.The book is filled with incidents, thoughts and behindthescenes anecdotes of Screwvala’s career that would help young businessoriented minds to gain more knowledgeable insight into the ins and outs of entrepreneurship. Through the Dream with Your Eyes Open, Screwvala has presented readers a fighting chance to make dreams come true.Presented here for the first time is the audiobook of Dream With Your Eyes Open narrated by Ronnie Screwvala himself.
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