TV9 Kannada is Karnataka’s No. 1 news channel by far, with a market bigger than that of its No. 2 and No. 3 rivals combined. The first news channel to be launched in the state in 2006, it has maintained its position as the definitive market leader. TV9 Kannada, part of India’s biggest news network, offers the most comprehensive, authoritative, and unbiased coverage of news across the state, nation, and the world. Its news-based programmes routinely feature among the top shows in BARC’s weekly ratings of news shows. The channel boasts of the biggest news gathering team in the state, with its own dedicated reporters and camerapersons in all of Karnataka’s 31 districts. Over the years, TV9 Kannada has served as the go-to channel for news consumers from across the social strata--be it the common man, the intelligentsia, or the elite. With its sharp focus on fact-checked news breaks and insightful analysis, TV9 Kannada offers the most comprehensive news coverage to viewers. The channel’s guiding principle continues to be “Uttama Samajakkage” - “for a better society”. TV9 Kannada is at the forefront of all issues that affect Kannadigas - floods, polluting industries, disease, or corruption in public life. TV9 Kannada’s digital offerings on the web, social media, and YouTube have the highest following among all the Kannada news channels.